
Difficult to find fault with Ultrasaten. Its formulation makes it resistant to any stain: splashes of drinks, coffee, sauces, fruit juices, mud but also drawings on the walls ... nothing will leave a trace. How can you resist an ultra stain-resistant wall enamel like Ultrasaten? IRRESISTIBLE BECAUSE IT RESISTS EVERY STAIN. To remove stains effectively, follow the times shown in the chart. Do not use abrasive cloths or sponges or detergents that contain alcohol or solvents of any type SOSTANZA Olio di Oliva Salsa di pomodoro Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con aceto) Rimosso (con sgrassatore) Rimosso (con sgrassatore) Rimosse (con acqua) Rimossi (con acqua) Rimossi (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosse (con acqua) Rimossi (con acqua) Rimossi (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosso (con acqua) Rimosse (con acqua) Rimossi (con acqua) Rimossi (con acqua) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Leggermente visibile (con sgrassatore) Bibite gassate Succhi di frutta Thè Caffè Vino rosso Pennarello indelebile Evidenziatore Terra e fango Ketchup RIMOZIONE DOPO UN ORA RIMOZIONE DOPO 4 ORE RIMOZIONE IMMEDIATA UBSTANCE Olive oil Tomato sauce Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Removed (with degreaser) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Slightly visible (with degreaser) Removed (with degreaser) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with water) Removed (with vinegar) Fizzy drinks (cola,orang ade..) Fruit juices Tea Coffee Red wine Permanent marker Highlighter Soil and mud Ketchup REMOVAL AFTER ONE HOUR REMOVAL AFTER FOUR HOURS I MEDIATE RE OV L

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